日期:2017-05-12 / 人气: / 来源:
The 8th Shanghai International
TOP OIL Top Edible Oil & Olive Oil Exhibition 2017
July 19-21, 2017 Shanghai New International Expo Centre-CHINA
批准单位丨Approved by
上海市商务委员会丨Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce
支持单位丨Supported by
中华人民共和国WTO/TBT-SPS国家通报咨询中心丨WTO/TBT-SPS National Notification and Enquiry Centers of PRC 中国出入境检验检疫协会进出口食品化妆品工作委员会丨CIQA Import-Export Food and Cosmetics Committee
主办单位丨Hosted by
上海出入境检验检疫协会丨Shanghai Entry & Exit Inspection and Quarantine Association 上海市食品协会丨Shanghai Food Association
上海市粮油学会丨Shanghai Cereals and Oils Association 上海奶业行业协会丨Shanghai Dairy Association
上海市酒吧行业协会丨Shanghai Bar Profession Association
上海市进口食品企业协会丨Shanghai Association for Import Food Enterprises
上海市酒类流通行业协会丨Shanghai Association for Liquor and Spirits Circulation
承办单位丨Organized by
北京爱博国际展览有限公司丨Beijing Aibo International Exhibition Co., Ltd.
协办单位丨CO-organized by
各地检验检疫局与检验检疫协会丨Inspection and Quarantine Association and Bureau from all Provinces and Cities

TOP OIL CHINA 2017 2017年07月19日-21日丨上海新国际博览中心-中国
July 19-21, 2017 Shanghai New International Expo Centre-CHINA
展会概括 丨Exhibition Review
TOP OIL CHINA采购交易会已在上海顺利召开过数届并获得巨大成功,展会共吸引来自全球四十多个国家和地区近两百家高端食用油领域的优秀供应商前来参展,参展企业包括;品利、贝蒂斯、安达露西、绿子、卡尼雅、皇玛仕、雅典娜、欧丽薇兰、欧蕾玛西尔、多力、伯爵、海狮、金龙鱼、福临门、鲁花、假日、优沃、金世本香等众多国内外知名企业及进口商。期间聚集国内外近万名高端食用油领域的专业买家参会。展会将以上海为窗口依托强大的中国市场需求,全力打造成亚太地区顶级影响力的高端食用油行业盛会,展会将在原有的基础上大幅度提升展会规模、档次及专业买家的邀请。
With China’s economic development rapidly, people's living standards greatly improved, Chinese’s edible oil consumption is changing a lot. The requirements of the edible oil for every day dinner is changing from quantity to nutrition and health at the same time. Some new varieties of edible oil arises at the historic moment, which not only has the demanded nutrition but also the great effect for prevention and control of diseases like Hypertension, cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease. It has shown from relevant data, the market capacity of the high-end edible oil in China will reach up to 100 billion Yuan in 2017. China's edible oil market will be expanding at the rate of 80% every year, which is a considerable market prospect.

TOP OIL CHINA Purchasing Trade Fair has been successfully held by Golden Commercial for several times. and gained a huge success. The exhibition has attracted nearly two hundreds of edible OIL, spices and outstanding suppliers in the field of food ingredients from more than 40 countries and regions globally. Exhibitors include MUELOLIVA, BETIS, Andasaludsia, Greens, KANIYA, Kingmas, Athena, Olivolia, LAMASIA, Doolley, BORGES, Haishi, Golden Arowana, Fortune, LUHUA, Holiday, YOWON and numerous well-known enterprises at home and abroad, as well as importers. During the exhibition, it attracted nearly ten thousand edible oil, spices, professional buyers in the food ingredients field to attend the forum. During the exhibition ,several forums also caused a lot of attention. Depending on the huge market demand of Shanghai city, the exhibition will be fully built into the top-influential Edible oil and Food Ingredients pageant. On the basis of the original it will greatly enhance the exhibition scale, the level and professional buyers invitation.
新的机遇 丨New Opportunity
In order to set up a promoting, showcasing & cooperation platform and good marketing tools for global Edible oil, spices and food ingredients enterprises. Golden Commercial together with relevant departments will hold the 8th Shanghai International Top Edible Oil & Olive Oil Exhibition 2017, Shanghai New International Expo Centre in China. The exhibition will gather manufacturers, traders, importers, supermarkets, hotels, catering, aviation, railway catering chain related businesses. The exhibition aims to increase understanding and friendship among supply enterprises and industrial buyers, business and supermarket hotels, catering procurement management department and push forward mutual benefits between suppliers and purchasers. In addition, The 7th Shanghai International Import and Export Food& Beverage exhibition will be held at the same time.

同期活动丨Other Synchronous Events
July 19-21, 2017 Shanghai New International Expo Centre-CHINA
·The 3rd Shanghai International Food & Drinks Fair ·The 3rd China Special Dietary Food Trade Fair
·The 18th Shanghai International Wine & Spirits Exhibition
·The 4th Shanghai International Dairy Products & Ice-cream and Processing Technology Equipment Exhibition
·The 9th China International Import and Export Food & Beverage Exhibition
·The 6th China International Aviation, Cruise, Railway Food and Beverage Exhibition
展出大类丨Major Exhibits
High-end edible oil: corn oil, sunflower seed oil, grape seed oil, canola oil, safflower oil, wild tea oil, palm oil, linseed oil, walnut oil, rice bran oil, coconut oil, almond oil, Perilla oil, sesame oil, etc.
Imported olive oil: extra virgin olive oil, PDO extra virgin olive oil, organic extra virgin olive oil, organic PDO extra virgin olive oil, etc.
Dietary supplement oil: rapeseed oil, soybean oil, peanut oil, sunflower oil and cottonseed oil, etc.
Extended high-end edible oil products: skin care, hairdressing, beauty products based on high-end edible oil.
High-end edible oil service: labeling, packaging and printing, packaging design, advertising design, brand promotion, etc.
July 19-21, 2017丨Shanghai New International Expo Centre-CHINA
参展费用丨Participation Fees
A:国内企业:16800.00/展期(RMB) 3m×3m
B:国外企业: 4800.00/展期(USD) 3m×3m
国外企业: 480.00(USD)/平方米/展期注:(最少36平方米起租)“光地”只提供参展空间,不包括展架、展具、地毯、电源等。
International Standard Booths:
For overseas enterprises: USD 4800/Expo; 3m×3m
Each standard booth consists of 3-sided white partitions, bilingual fascia board, 1 information counter, 2 folding chairs, fully-floored carpet, 2 arm spotlights, 1 220V/5A power socket and 1 wastebasket.
Indoor Raw Space:
For overseas enterprises: USD 480.00/Sq.m.
Note: The raw space (minimum 36 sq.m.) only supplies a show space excluding stand frames, show equipment, carpet and power supply, etc.
目标观众 丨Target Audiences
Nearly 500 big middle high store supermarkets in eastern China; nearly 500 four-star hotels; nearly 3800 high-end restaurants and hypermarkets, duty-free shops, evening show, and high-end clubs; nearly 1000 business institutions in Shanghai, including Global 500 enterprises China head offices, overseas enterprises, business corporations, international buyers China purchasing office, and international business institutions; nearly
38,000 food and beverages enterprises, food purchasers, food traders, food wholesalers, food importers and exporters and Internet marketers, etc.
Edible Oil and Olive oil dealers, distributors, traders and producers; buyers and quality restriction staff of malls, supermarkets and exclusive shops; buyers of catering and restaurants, western restaurants; consumers and other related persons of edible oil, condiment and food ingredients enterprises., etc.
General merchandise stores and ordinary supermarkets: GMS and ordinary supermarket purchasing centers, beverages purchasing managers, wine sales managers, GMS and ordinary supermarket managers, etc.
Cafe, hotel and restaurant: all kinds of hotels, night clubs and restaurants, chain restaurants and chain hotels, etc.
Duty free operation lines: duty free operators, ship tools merchants, duty free shops, airline companies with purchasing centers, Cruise and ferry companies with purchasing departments, etc.
E-business lines: edible oil, condiment and food ingredients’website designers and buyers, etc.
如欲订“TOP OIL CHINA 2017”展位和了解更多信息,请通过以下联络方式:
To reserve the booth of “TOP OIL CHINA 2017” or learn more information, please contact:
地址: 中国北京密云鼓楼东大街3号(101500)
Add: China 's Beijing Miyun Gulou East Street on the 3rd
电话/Tel:(86-010)8327 6132 联系人:赵鑫 13681430233 QQ/微信:609401397 E-mail: 609401397@qq.com
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